Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry
Another time, another place: Space and time in organization studies
University of Western Sydney | University of Warwick
In July 2005, the 4th International Critical Management Studies Conference was held at
Cambridge University and it contained a stream on space and time in organizations. In the
call for papers, the stream convenors -- the editors of this special issue -- made it clear,
that outstanding papers would be considered for publication in this journal and the
Journal of Organizational Change Management (see Carr & Hancock, 2006). The papers
in this volume represent what the editors' and reviewers' believe were outstanding
papers that raised significant issues for organization studies beyond a tight focus on the
management of change.
Journal | Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry |
Volume | 5 |
Issue | 2 |
Issue date | 2006 |
Type | Article |
Language | en |
Pagination | 91-95 |
ISSN | 1532-5555 |
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