
Polskie powiaty jako przykład fi kcji organizacyjnej – prakseologia reformy powiatowej po dwudziestu latach od jej wprowadzenia

Kwaśny, Jakub

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

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The aim of the article is to summarize the discussion on functioning of poviats in Poland, the genesis of their restitution in 1998, as well as the presentation of research results on the poviat administration effi ciency and eff ectiveness and the opinion of local government offi cials from Malopolska Voivodeship. In the discussion on the „poviat reform” prof. W. Kieżun referred to poviats as an example known in the theory of organization and management as the pathological phenomenon of „organizational fi ction.” He also pointed to insuffi cient equipment of the poviat administration in the tools (mainly fi nancial) necessary for independent functioning and development. After twenty years of functioning of poviat it seems to be reasonable to discuss its eff ectiveness, but also the sense of existence in its present shape. In the conclusions, possible directions of changes in territorial organization of Poland, which from the point of view of the eff ectiveness of development policy could be applied, are proposed.


Journal Prakseologia 
Volume 2019 
Issue 161 
Issue date 12/2019 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 165-186
DOI 10.7206/prak.0079-4872_2015_160_22
ISSN 0079-4872