
Zachowania proekologiczne studentów polskich uczelni

Ciążela, Ariadna

Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie

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Th e article presents the results of research on proecological behaviors of Polish students. Th e study was conducted in 2016. Th e examined group consisted of 624 students from diff erent faculties and universities. According to the results, everyday proecological behaviors and habits, like duplex photocopying and printing, using energy saving bulbs or reusable shopping bags were relatively popular. More advanced proecological behaviors, like buying ecological products or participation in environmental organizations were much less popular. Th e results of the study show small diff erences in proecological behaviors between sexes and only small correlations between proecological everyday habits and participation in proecological actions.


Journal Prakseologia 
Volume 2019 
Issue 161 
Issue date 12/2019 
Type Article 
Language eng
Pagination 227-252
DOI 10.7206/prak.0079-4872_2015_160_25
ISSN 0079-4872