
The Effect Of Ordering Products By Price And Payment Method On Consumer Choice

Hełka, Anna Ślimak, Ewelina

SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny

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The presented research shows that consumer choice of product depends on the sequence in which products are presented. When they were presented according to decreasing prices the customer chose more expensive products than in the case of increasing prices. However this happens only in case of paying cash not voucher. In order to rule out the alternative reasons of this effect another study was conducted. Participants of the second study were randomly acquainted with 10 product brands. Then they chose one of ten products which were sorted according to their prices: decreasing or increasing.
Again, when paying cash, participants chose more expensive products when they were sorted according to decreasing prices. The results of second research suggest that the presented differences in choosing products cannot be explained by anchoring heuristic, the effect of priority, or incomplete information processing.


Journal Decyzje 
Issue 25 
Issue date 06/2016 
Type Article 
Language eng
Pagination 43-65
DOI 10.7206/DEC.1733-0092.70
ISSN 1733-0092
eISSN 2391-761X