Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem

Dyskrecjonalność władzy administracyjnej – próba nowego ujęcia

Kotowski, Artur

Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego

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The article discusses the differences and similarities between discretionary, judicial power and administrative authority. It indicates a possible recognition of the administrative and discretionary power. The author also considers possible risks in a democratic state governed by the rule of law, associated with the abuse of discretionary by administrative authority.


Journal Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem 
Volume 6 
Issue 1 
Issue date 3/2014 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 51–77
DOI 10.7206/kp.2080-1084.39
ISSN 2080-1084
eISSN 2450-7938