Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

Engaging in Reflexive Acts - Sharing experiences on reflexivity in empirical qualitative research

Keso, Heidi Lehtimäki, Hanna Pietiläinen, Tarja

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In this article, we present an experiential narrative of reflexivity in qualitative empirical research. Through a dialog of three researchers on their research processes we highlight the issues of reflexivity in empirical research and show the ways by which a researcher's ontological and epistemological presumptions inform decision making throughout the research process. Generalizing from our own research experience, we call for academic discussion on the experiential knowledge researchers have on reflexivity. Sharing the experiences researchers have on reflecting the ontological and epistemological manifestations in empirical research would shorten the gap between the theoretical discussion on reflexivity and the day to day decisions an empirical researcher faces.


Journal Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 
Volume 7 
Issue 3 
Issue date 2009 
Type Article 
Language en
Pagination 51-70
ISSN 1532-5555