Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

The Role of the Media in the Co-Production of Identities in a Filmmaking Company

Pedersen, Anne Reff Strandgaard Pedersen, Jesper

Copenhagen Business School

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This article focuses on the role of organizational storytelling and identity formation of a Danish filmmaking company, Zentropa Entertainment Productions Company (a.k.a. Zentropa). Identity formation, as storytelling, is taking place in a context of multiple voices, polyphony, and is performed in dialogue. The article explores how identities are co-produced through the interaction between the organization and external actors by their story interaction. The study illustrates how the identity of a filmmaking company emerges from identity stories and how they are co-produced with the media. We argue that the rebellious ‘Maverick’ identity of Zentropa has emerged through its interaction with the media through “counter stories.” Finally, the study shows the difficulties that Zentropa encountered trying to maintain its rebellious ‘Maverick’ identity.


Journal Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 
Volume 7 
Issue 1 
Issue date 2008 
Type Article 
Language en
Pagination 91-108
ISSN 1532-5555