Coaching Review

Samoprzywództwo i Spiral Dynamics – implikacje dla coachingowego stylu zarządzania

Miąsek, Dagmara Bliźniuk, Beata

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The article is a theoretical introduction to further empirical studies planned by the authors. Its aim is to review the theoretical assumptions concerning the concept of self-leadership as a basis for an integrated, holistic management paradigm, manifested among others in coaching management style. One of the concepts referred to by the authors is Spiral dynamics by Graves, which assumes continuous development of self-consciousness of man and of humanity as a collective community, which is reflected also in management.


Journal Coaching Review 
Volume 1/2014 
Issue 6 
Issue date 2014 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 15-29
DOI 10.7206/cr.2081-7029.12
ISSN 2081-7029