Coaching Review

Pomiar Proinnowacyjności przy pomocy kwestionariusza P-12: implikacje dla coachingu kariery

Smółka, Paweł

Instytut Psychologii Stosowanej APS | Centrum Coachingu ALK

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Personal and professional development needs crossing the status quo. Self-development activity should be more intense in open-minded people. Such people can be called „proinnovative”, becasue they are willing to introduce changes, sometimes even radical, in their lives. le article describes Proinnovativeness as a personality trait and presents the P-12 questionnaire as a tool to assess this trait. Implications of Proinnovativeness for career coaching are discussed.


Journal Coaching Review 
Volume 1/2013 
Issue 5 
Issue date 2013 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 37-51
DOI 10.7206/cr.2081-7029.4
ISSN 2081-7029