Coaching Review

Transformational Coaching Processes with Application of the Graphological Analysis

Baca-Lönn, Lucyna

Graphology Solutions Group

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A goal of this article is to present the author’s innovative concept of an application of the graphological analysis in the transformational coaching processes. The initial stage of the transformational coaching process has been proposed for the application of the graphological analysis. A role of the graphological analysis as an external portrait and a method to broaden the self-awareness of a coachée has been suggested by the author. The article presents a scientific approach to graphology and the handwriting analysis as a projective technique. A structure of the graphological analysis in the area of intellect, emotions, activity and adaptability has been specib ed in the article. Correlations between graphology and transformational coaching and contributions of graphology in coaching processes have been highlighted in the paper.


Journal Coaching Review 
Volume 1/2013 
Issue 5 
Issue date 2013 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 52-70
DOI 10.7206/cr.2081-7029.5
ISSN 2081-7029