Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

The Law of Jante in a Local Translation

Czarniawska, Barbara

Göteborg University, Sweden

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In this chapter, I investigate a specific aspect of the relationship between literature and social
sciences. I believe that the insights of a novelistic imagination become translated into popular
culture and, in this way, reach social practices. Thus, social sciences need to pay attention to
this process as it constitutes an important part of the circle of representation and formation
that connects literature with social practices.


Czasopismo Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 
Tom 20 
Numer 1 
Data wydania 12/2024 
Typ Article 
Język en
Paginacja 4-14
DOI 10.7206/tamara.1532-5555.15
ISSN 1532-5555