Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

A flow for the social sciences and humanities: Storying the struggle of high-stakes financialization in the academy

Pinto , Laura Elizabeth

University of Ontario Institute of Technology

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IIn the form of hip hop lyrics, this research-creation tells the story a grant application writing process as a feature of neoliberal, academic capitalism. The lyrics draw attention to institutional and organizational features of the modern academic workplace, including the effects of performance evaluation structures and the financialization (Billig, 2013; Giroux, 2015) of academic work. It also highlights the intensification of work caused by bureaucratization – not only by the workplace, but by external granting agencies who exert varying degrees of control over academic labour.


Czasopismo Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 
Tom 13 
Numer 1-2 
Data wydania 2015 
Typ Article 
Język en
Paginacja 15-24
ISSN 1532-5555