Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry
OT and Power: The Significance of Value-Orientations and a Plea for Pluralism
Cardiff Business School
The paper advances two propositions. First, that organization theory (OT) comprises a heterogeneous body of knowledge which, in effect, is a history of the (on-going) power struggles that produce it. And, second, that OT harbours different concepts of power and associated value-orientations through which it is possible to interpret the diversity and development of OT. These propositions give priority to the politics and ethics of knowledge production, and not differences of ontology, epistemology or levels of analysis. Its pluralist stance accommodates value-orientations which prompt and justify knowledge oriented towards `rationalization’, `explication’ and `emancipation’.
Słowa kluczowe
Czasopismo | Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry |
Tom | 11 |
Numer | 2 |
Data wydania | 2013 |
Typ | Article |
Język | en |
Paginacja | 53-66 |
ISSN | 1532-5555 |
Prawa autorskie