Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

Transitional Spaces: The Phenomenology of the Awayday

Arya, Rina

University of Wolverhampton

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In this paper I will investigate the phenomenon of the awayday and its potential as a transitional space as well as how it fits into management discourse. Transition is central to the awayday, often on a literal level (of being away from the office, for example). Furthermore I want to explore whether this shift from place or routine has any bearing on the feelings and experiences of the employees: does it represent a psychological transition? Does the irregularity of structure of the awayday provide a space for reflection? Does it alter the way the individual thinks about work or identity? I will discuss this apropos Turner’s concept of the liminal. My empirical data led the research. I interviewed members from two organisations that had recently been on an awayday and used their viewpoints to shape my understanding of the effects of transition on issues of identity whilst theoretically couching the discussion of the awayday within the context of ‘fun at work’ and how the awayday provoked questions about identity (both singular and multiple) and boundaries.


Czasopismo Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 
Tom 9 
Numer 3-4 
Data wydania 2011 
Typ Article 
Język en
Paginacja 23-33
ISSN 1532-5555