Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

Parasites and Self-Organization Or is Self-Organization Researchable?

Letiche, Hugo

University of Humanistics, Utrecht

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On a theoretical level, complexity theory offers an emergence-based insight into organizing. The unicity of events, the undetermined nature of creative change, and the multifarious nature of circumstances are all honored. But how can (successful or unsuccessful) self-organizing be studied? If organizing really can be self-organizing, how could a researcher perceive it? Either the observer is entirely outside of the change process and is unmoved or unaltered by it -- i.e. only able to see the change from its exterior; or the observer changes with the change process and is part and parcel of it. If one is inside the change, how can one observe it; and if one is outside, how could one experience it? If self-organization really can occur, how could self-organization organize organization without betraying emergence and becoming just another form of control? To examine these issues a case is presented and then interpreted with use of a perspective inspired by (some aspects of) Luhmann, and via Luhmann, Serres (Luhmann, 1997, 2003; Serres, 1982).


Czasopismo Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 
Tom 6 
Numer 2 
Data wydania 2007 
Typ Article 
Język en
Paginacja 187-202
ISSN 1532-5555