Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

Only the Shadow Knows: Increasing Organizational Polyphony with Liminal Story/telling

Tyler, Jo

Pennsylvania State University

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Written through the lens of the practitioner-scholar, this paper integrates first-hand experience with theory to explore the tension between positive scholarship and the Metamorphosis Model proposed by Boje (2005) in the context of the emerging workplace practice of systematically applying story/telling. In particular it examines the importance of shadow stories, potent stories from the liminal spaces of the organization, and their implication for organizational practitioners who are latching on to the emerging trend to formally or systematically integrate story/telling into their practice. It draws on the practical experience blended with the qualitative research of the author on the systematic use of stories in for-profit organizations. It does not problematize systematic, performer storytelling as a strategic process, but for the purposes of this paper accepts it as a popular contemporary trend. A preliminary set of reflective questions for practitioners who have chosen to participate in systematic storytelling are included with the intent of challenging practitioners to widen the angle of their listening lens and deepen their practice through an understanding and inclusion of liminal stories.


Czasopismo Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 
Tom 5 
Numer 4 
Data wydania 2006 
Typ Article 
Język en
Paginacja 109-126
ISSN 1532-5555