Zeszyty Programu TOP 15

When the storm comes – run! How the ‘turbulent’ environment affects the internationalisation processes of the Polish small-medium enterprises

Bodio, Mateusz

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The body of research on the market orientation used most representative samples from
post-communist country – Poland and its small-medium enterprises sector. According
to the literature review, very few studies have been conducted about effect of turbulent
environment in home country and internationalisation of SMEs. Additionally, previous
studies from developed countries might not be applicable to post-socialists countries,
whereas entrepreneurs differ with their entrepreneurial attitudes. The research is
integrative and focuses on the role of environmental turbulence caused by recent political
swift in Poland. Study also focus on governmental support programmes. This study
employs semi-structured interviews to gain understanding of the phenomenon. The study
also benefited from input from the different Polish sectors (IT, healthcare, construction,
technology), whereas sample is chosen by the most varied companies as well as leaders
from the sectors in order to gain additional insights.


Czasopismo Zeszyty Programu TOP 15 
Tom 9 
Numer 1 
Data wydania 2017 
Typ Article 
Język en
Paginacja 69-84