Central European Management Journal

Snobbish Bandwagoners: Ambiguity of Luxury Goods’ Perception

Stępień, Beata

Poznań University of Economics and Business

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Purpose: The article explores the grounds of possible interrelations of snob and bandwagon consumers’ inclinations in the luxury fashion sector. The reason to investigate this comes from the growth of inconsistent evidence among analyses of this subject. Consumers’ perception of luxury goods seems not only compound but also quite ambiguous at the same time. One of its reasons may be the wrong assumption that snob and bandwagon inclinations are opposite trends that cannot co-exist among individual motives of luxury purchases.

Methodology and fndings: The mixed method research – in the form of international consumers’ e-survey and semi-structured interviews with affluent consumers – reveals that mutual relations of these two trends are clearly visible and can both motivate purchase at the same time.


Journal Central European Management Journal 
Volume 26 
Issue 1 
Issue date 2018 
Type Article 
Language en
Pagination 79-99
DOI 10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.220
ISSN 2658-0845
eISSN 2658-2430