
The robustness of the anchoring effect in valuation tasks

Brzozowicz, Magdalena

University of Warsaw

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I examined the robustness of the anchoring effect with respect to the method of valuation, type of anchor and the availability of information about the presented product. In four different laboratory experiments, I elicited consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for cosmetic product manipulating anchoring conditions (low vs. high anchor or no anchor vs. high anchor). I observed that only the market anchor (the real price of a similar product) had an impact on WTP. I also found that the strength of the anchoring effect is lower in incentivised
valuation tasks compared to hypothetical anchoring questions (I observed a significant anchoring effect only in experiment with declarative valuations). My findings suggest that the robustness of the anchoring effect is limited.


Journal Decyzje 
Issue 33 
Issue date 8/2020 
Type Article 
Language en
Pagination 5-24
DOI 10.7206/DEC.1733-0092.138
ISSN 1733-0092
eISSN 2391-761X