Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem

Konstytucjonalizm w postkonwencjonalnym społeczeństwie

Paździora, Michał

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Modernity understood as a permanent crisis of legitimacy and authority is a constant challenge for constitutionalism. The article reconstructs the danger of substituting political nature with moral imperatives. In modern societies, political disputes turn into so-called culture wars, and the dividing lines are marked by two moralities fighting each other: a liberal morality and a conservative morality. Using selected examples from the constitutional judiciary, I put forward a proposal of rethinking the definition of political nature in constitutionalism to deal with the crisis of legitimacy and authority that plagues it.


Journal Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem 
Volume 11 
Issue 1 
Issue date 3/2019 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 106–120
DOI 10.7206/kp.2080-1084.277
ISSN 2080-1084
eISSN 2450-7938