Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem

A Feminist Foreign Policy: The Background to a Swedish Concept

Amberg, Jan Henrik

Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Królestwa Szwecji

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Women’s rights are an inseparable part of the human rights, and human rights are an integrated part of women’s rights. The Swedish Government has adopted a concept of feminist foreign policy, aiming at strengthening these rights on a global level. Women’s rights are continued to be violated as much as ever, hindering democracy, peace, rule of law, sustainable development and economic growth – the overarching aims of international policy. Women’s rights to education, financial resources and access to the labour market are crucial in defending human rights and having a policy for 100 per cent of the world’s population. A priority task of the feminist foreign policy is supporting women’s inclusion in all decision-making structures, both on national and multilateral level. This in order to achieve wider foreign, development and security policy objectives through a new approach, different way of thinking and different solutions.


Journal Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem 
Volume 7 
Issue 1 
Issue date 3/2015 
Type Article 
Language en
Pagination 11-22
DOI 10.7206/kp.2080-1084.72
ISSN 2080-1084
eISSN 2450-7938