Zeszyty Programu TOP 15

Zastosowanie nowoczesnych technologii w relacji obywatela z administrację publiczną

Pełka, Dominika

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pobrano 465 razy


The article presents the use of modern technologies in the relationship between citizen and
public administration in the territorial self-government unit of the Legionowo county such as the
Jabłonna Commune Office. It is also, shows statistical data related to the number of inhabitants
who benefit from the technological progress that is manifested in the office. The main aim of the
article is to explore the increasingly popular e-government. An attempt will be made to analyse
modern technologies available for inhabitants of the commune, e.g. the level of availability of this
technology and the improve the work of the Office. Additionaly, the article will raise an issue of
security tools for communication between residents and the commune. The publication will analyse
the functioning of modern technologies in the Jabłonna Municipality Office. The article presents how
modern technologies in local government units’ function so far and whether citizen use available
solutions and how they influence work in office.
The aim of the analysis is to examine whether modern technologies are used in the everyday
life of citizens and inhabitants of rual borough. The publication will attempt to assess whether
the mentioned issues will reduce the bureaucracy problem in offices. The subject matter taken
up is important for the development of relations between citizens and public administration. The
knowledge acquired in this way should be a source of valuable information for IT employees, not
only of the above-mentioned commune office, but also for all other sectors of public administration.


Czasopismo Zeszyty Programu TOP 15 
Tom 10 
Data wydania 2018 
Typ Article 
Język eng
Paginacja 175-197