Central European Management Journal

Organizational Agility, Competitive Capabilities, and the Performance of Health Care Organizations During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Akkaya, Bulent Mert, Gozde

Manisa Celal Bayar University | Nisantasi University

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Purpose: Managers of healthcare organizations must be much more dynamic and agile to survive in a competitive environment. Administrators, managers, and leaders in healthcare organizations must meet both patients’ and staff’s needs, expectations, and requests at the maximum level in order to create organizational agility. What counts among these responsibilities is the use of operational competitive capabilities at the highest level and being organizationally agile? In this context, this study determines the relationship between the operational competitive capabilities of healthcare organizations and organizational agility and examines the mediating role of organizational agility between operational competitive capabilities and organizational performance in healthcare organizations in Turkey.

Methodology: The data was collected from the 220 managers of health organizations in Turkey through questionnaires, which were analyzed with the SPSS 26 and AMOS 26 programs.

Results: The findings revealed a positive relationship between operational competitive capabilities of managers and between organizational agility and organizational agility, which have a full mediating role between operational competitive capabilities and organizational performance in healthcare organizations
Conclusion: Today’s healthcare organizations’ managers face such important problems and unexpected developments as adapting to a rapidly changing environment and struggles to avoid uncertainty. Therefore, the managers must use their operational competitive capabilities at the highest level and be organizationally agile to maximize their organizations’ performance and survive in this highly competitive environment.


Czasopismo Central European Management Journal 
Tom 30 
Numer 2 
Data wydania 6/2022 
Typ Article 
Język en
Paginacja 2–25
DOI 10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.73
ISSN 2658-0845
eISSN 2658-2430