Coaching Review

Continuous self-development coach’ attitude

Sadomska, Urszula

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In order for a coach to think of himself as a competent professional person, he needs to constantly work on his skills and be in an ongoing process of conscious selfdevelopment. In this article I will try to clarify and explain why this is so and how it can affect the work of a coach. Of all the abilities that form the basis of the work of a coach, I have chosen three that I believe are important for the self-development of the coach.
Firstly, openness to and interest in new psycho-neurological research, knowledge and scientific discovery (cognitive researchers, neuro-biologists, neuro-scientists), and the need for ongoing experimentation and discovery. Why? Because everything can help. Everything can be important when working with people.
Secondly, ongoing self improvement and working on oneself, and in particular working on emotional wellbeing. Why? Taking care of one’s own emotional intelligence is the key to understanding others and the key to developing empathy and intuition.
Thirdly, the development of one’s own sense of humor, joy and simply laughing. Why? Laughter creates distance from difficult situations. Laughter is a type, or an element, of social intelligence. It means looking after oneself and others.


Journal Coaching Review 
Volume 1/2010 
Issue 1 
Issue date 2010 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 19-39
ISSN 2081-7029