Coaching Review

Coaching - a reflection on theory and the practical sphers of coaching in the business

Pilipczuk, Piotr

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This article constitutes the personal refections of a coach on the place of coaching in the contemporary world, where changes are the result of technological progress as well as the development of ideas and socio-political systems. The author uses the essence of coaching as a starting point. He deliberates on whether coaching is a process that is isolated from the rest, of which the aim is to achieve changes in the sphere of one particular goal (task, action); or whether it is a comprehensive (holistic, systemic) process of which the aim is a qualitative change. By way of describing the elements of coaching, the author indicates the possible spheres of practical application. He also puts forward the following question: is coaching supposed to serve people as autonomous entities or is it supposed to serve organizations that realize economic, social or political goals?


Journal Coaching Review 
Volume 2/2010 
Issue 2 
Issue date 2010 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 101-112
ISSN 2081-7029