Coaching Review

A Journey towards Intrinsic Motivation in Coaching

Szewczyk, Aleksandra Kułakowski, Michał

Uniwersytet Gdański | Leadership & Team Coach PCC ICF

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The aim of the paper is to discuss methods of finding inner motivation that allows the coach, who has constant access to his/her resources, to support the coachee in the process of attaining the set goal. Authors have recourse to a metaphor: the coaching process is compared to a journey between the coachee’s current place and the place he/she wishes to reach, i.e. the goal of the coaching process. Further­more, the word “journey” refers to the etymology of the word motivation – mo­vere (to move).


Journal Coaching Review 
Volume 1/2016 
Issue 8 
Issue date 2016 
Type Article 
Language pl
Pagination 105-131
DOI 10.7206/cr.2081-7029.37
ISSN 2081-7029